
Test how safe your online data is!

Take the free test and check wether your domain our email address is secure or not.
Cyber criminals are always on the look out for your personal or company details.

But, don't panic! We are here to protect you against the consequences of cyber crime.

Your domain can now be tested.

Advanced Protection Against Identity Threats - Breached Data Monitoring

Eyeonid provides advanced protection against identity threats by monitoring enterprises for dark web data risks. Our service assists enterprises in identifying, prioritizing, and mitigating potential risks.

Our threat intelligence research process involves gathering information from various sources to identify potential threats and alert our partners. Eyeonid's monitoring service continuously scans the following to detect any credential leaks quickly.

  • Public internet

  • Deep web

  • DarkNet

Eyeonid can scan through one email address alone and correlate up to 100 other credentials that have been leaked in association with that email. We promptly alert enterprises when compromised data has been identified relating to employee credentials, including the following sensitive data that leaked.

  • Email addresses

  • Usernames

  • Passwords

  • IPs

  • Mail addresses

  • Phone numbers

With security in mind

An important note, Eyeonid never transacts data. Our group is PCI-DSS certified, and Schrems II compliant, ensuring the security and integrity of our partner's data.

PCI-DSS certified

PCI certification ensures the security of card data at your business through a set of requirements established by the PCI SSC.

Schrems II

The Schrems II ruling confirmed that SCCs could be relied on for transfers of personal data to countries without an adequacy decision.

The result being;

With Eyeonid, enterprises can proactively protect against identity threats and safeguard their sensitive data.

We prioritize the identification and mitigation of potential risks to ensure our partners can focus on going about their business without fear of security breaches.

Mer information


Ladda ner vår fullständiga produktbeskrivning i PDF om du vill ha mer omfattande information.

Om vår tjänst

Lär dig mer om vår egenutvecklade teknologi och hur vår tjänst fungerar i största allmänhet.

Säkerhet och compliance

Vi uppfyller de högsta säkerhetsstandarderna och är PCI DSS certifierade.

Safety precautions

Block access to compromised websites that employees may be visiting.

Security education

Enhance internal processes and procedures and educate employees on how to protect corporate data from compromise in the future.

Threat Notifications

Notify customers of malware infections that may be associated with their online accounts that are linked to your services.

Stay vigilant

Stay vigilant to any risks posed by vendors and suppliers that may indirectly impact your business.

Ett säkrare liv för alla

Vi har sedan 2015 arbetat obevekligt för att göra de digitala delarna av tillvaron enklare och säkrare för människor, företag och organisationer.

Vi är specialister och pionjärer inom proaktiva ID-skyddslösningar. Vi använder vår egenutvecklade teknik och vi uppfyller de högsta säkerhetsstandarderna samt är PCI DSS certifierade.